For B2B websites, you only have so long to get the attention of your website visitors. It is estimated that visitors will only spend 4 to 6 seconds on your homepage before they make a decision to stay or not. With that, if you are a business that is focused on selling and providing services to other businesses, then your website should do its best to make sure your ideal visitor does what you want them to do on your site. Here are some ideas to think of in regards to your B2B website.
Is your website mobile friendly? In a recent survey by Google (Ok not too recent, 2015), they found that 42% of B2B researchers use mobile phones during the B2B purchasing process. Since 2015, according to the latest Internet Trends report, In 2016, US users spend about 3.1 hours accessing the internet via a mobile phone vs. 2.8 hours in 2015. The use of mobile devices is increasing. Also, more B2B decision makers are Millennials so the use of mobile phones or other mobile devices should only increase.
Is your website focused on what you like or what your client or potential prospect visitors like? You should make sure your website is built to attract your ideal client, not just you. One method of doing this is to build Buyer Personas. Buyer Personas are profiles of your ideal client which help you market to and sell to them. You know your client better than anyone, so you can build these by profiling your current clients. B2B Buyer Personas include the following components in your profiles.
You typically get this info from your Sales Team, Executive Team and or other staff that is focused on managing and communicating with your clients.
Here is a good article from Referral Saasquatch that goes into more detail about this:
Once you have built the B2B Buyer Personas and started marketing to them, you will want to make sure your website is effective and meets their needs. You can do this by creating a survey on your website and then optimizing your site based off of the survey results.
Here is a link to getting started with Google Forms:
Here is an article about other survey options:
Making sure your website is credible and trustworthy. You can do this various ways including putting client testimonials, certifications you have attained on your website and making sure your website is secured based upon Google's new standard. Here is an article about how you can secure your website with an SSL certificate:
Other key questions for your website when redesigning it includes making sure you are answering the following questions for visitors when to go to it:
As you optimize you website with the suggestions above, you should make sure you are constantly looking at the data via Googles Analytics or Bings analytics tools. This will give you the needed information to help you with making sure any changes you make to your website are done based off of actual data. With Analytics you can look at reports regarding where your website visitors are coming from, there demographics and interests and what technology they are using. Below is an older article discussing the benefits of Google Analytics to B2B marketers.
If you are looking for help with your website, contact us to schedule a meeting and receive a quote